


Divine Word Centre,Chennai, is a Major Seminary, functioning under Divine word Trust, which is part of the Society of the Divine Word in India. The house accommodates four staff members and a maximum of sixty students (Seminarians). They all do their U.G degree in Loyola College, Chennai. The Seminarians come from all over India and therefore it is a multicultural and linguistic Community. Since, this is a major Seminary,and the students are would be priests after their studies and training, the centre caters to their physical and spiritual development and overall growth, in the areas of physical wellbeing, intellectual excellence, personal maturity, social awareness and spiritual growth. All the activities are well planned and geared toward achieving our goal.



On 17th July 2015, the new academic year was officially inaugurated with the message that all must do their best and be at their best in whatever they do.In this financial year, 41 college-going students from nine states of India were accommodated at Divine Word Centre for their academic-religious-human formation. By and large it has been a fruitful year. Many of our students excelled in academics at Loyola College, Chennai. The students also had exposure programs to be in touch with the social realities of the world outside. To this effect, they had a month long practical work experience in factories, companies, hospitals and NGO undertakings gaining insights and experience of the ground reality. The students were also offered seminars and workshop on religious and human formation. Human Development with a positive self-image, sound value system and fostering of skills and talents in sports, cultural and literary areas helped them equip themselves for the future mission.



Spirituality is the corner stone of life for every human being; it is much more when it comes to Seminarians. Hence we take extra care in helping them grow spiritually and shaping them to be the future spiritual leaders. Spirituality is very much connected with social relationships and human developments. Therefore they are given regular spiritual activities such as Holy Mass, prayers, spiritual direction, meditations, spiritual talks and retreat in order to inculcate spiritual values and to help them become more God-centered. Monthly recollections and annual retreat further nurtures and deepens their spiritual formation and life. In the spiritual dialogues they are helped to reflect on their daily experience in the light of the Bible, spiritual values and God experience. It helps them to sort out and resolve some of their personal issues and motivate themselves better and to commit themselves for a greater cause.

cultural activities

Cultural Activities

Socialization, cultural Programmes,entertainments, recreations are food for community life, relaxes both mind and body and accelerate the concentration capacity in their intellectual fields. Celebrations such as, Independence Day, Birth Anniversary of SVD Congregation, Christmas, New Year, Pongal are occasions to foster the above needs. The celebration of Family Feast is a great event and tradition of SVD Communities. A week long programs bring students close to each other crossing the cultural and linguistic barriers. They begin to understand better and deepen their relationships with one another. This celebration leads them to build up better team spirit, gives ample opportunities to develop individual talents and abilities.

developmental activities

Developmental Activities

The staff was concerned and took all possible measure to meet the needs of the students and make their stay more comfortable by providing good accommodation, providing new mattresses, bed sheets, cupboards and other amenities. The prayer room and the main Chapel were renovated and new mats were provided so that the students can comfortably squat even during the winter and chilly atmosphere. The laundry section was neatly enclosed to avoid birds from dirtying the clothes of clothes. The cooks were given a better staying facility by replacing the old roof over the kitchen and worker’s quarters. Thus, a good amount of money was spent on repair and maintenance of the House.

social help

Social Help

The House also extended social help to number of poor and needy.Charitable works such as visiting the sick, patients in hospital, blood donation and environmental friendly works were undertaken throughout the year. Free services were offered by way of moral and religious classes and tuition for young children. A few students were given financial assistance to meet the expenses at College and also boarding and lodging. On the occasion of Christmas and New Year many poor and needy were given clothing such as, saris, lungies, towels, bed sheets and bed spreads. The direct involvement of our students in these activities enables them to be more service minded and inculcate the values of love and concern for those who are helpless and are very much dependent on others’ help.